
Guinean Charity  » SANTÉ »

Guinean Charity  » SANTÉ »

Sep 2020
949 Donations

Donate flexibly! Donate in one go; and with the automated credit card system your recurring donations (monthly, quarterly...) are easier and quicker to make. P.S. withdrawals can be stopped at any time. In order to reduce waiting times on certain projects by fund limit, any donation collected could be used for other causes that our association supports, thus we ensure that your donations reach the most urgent causes.

91.74% Raised
36,694.70 € donated of 40,000.00 € goal
409 Donors

Donate flexibly! Donate in one go; and with the automated credit card system your recurring donations (monthly, quarterly...) are easier and quicker to make.

173 thoughts on “Guinean Charity  » SANTÉ »

  1. Fatoumata Diallo

    J’ai toujours penser a une organisation comme celle la pour la guinee, mais je n’en voyais aucune. Qu’Allah recompense ce qui ont commencer cette association. Si vous avez besoin de volontaire pour quoi que ce soit moi je suis partante. Merci

  2. Bah Amadou

    La santé avant tout yo allah okku en tyellal e diina dyabhaaka wadhana en sadaka dyabhaadho amiin

  3. Mariyama Diallo

    Qu’Allah facilite ce projet

  4. Rabiatou Diallo

    Qu’Allah accepte nos sadakas et guéri nos malades

  5. Anonymous

    May Allah accept our deeds amine

  6. Anonymous

    Solidarité aux plus nécessiteux

  7. Djenabou Diallo

    May accept from us

  8. Mamadou Diallo

    Might Allah reward all us

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